Self-Advocacy Materials
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Gateway to Community Living - the Alabama Medicaid Agency (AMA) served as the lead state agency in developing the plan to help people with disabilities.
Colorado's Community Living Plan - created to help people with disabilities through a collaboration of the Department of Health Care Policy and the Department of Financing, Human Services and Local Affairs.
Georgia's Olmstead plan - drafted by the Olmstead Planning Committee to help people with disabilities.
Integrated Housing for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Know the Facts
2014 policy brief published by Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) discussing the provision of integrated housing for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, which is mandated by Olmstead under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Authors: Samantha Crane, JD Ari Ne'eman
Legal Advocacy Organizations in Your State
Links to legal advocacy organizations that may be able to assist in enforcing Olmstead rights.
Olmstead Roadmap for Change - published to help people with disabilities by the Office of Aging and Disability Services of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services.
Medicare vs Medicaid: Everything You Need to Know
This guide explains the difference between Medicare and Medicaid and provides an overview of both programs.
Putting the Promise of Olmstead into Practice - created by the Olmstead Subcabinet and multiple state agencies to help people with disabilities.
New York
Report and Recommendations of the Olmstead Cabinet - developed by the Olmstead Development and Implementation Cabinet to help people with disabilities.
Balancing and Beyond: A Vision for Community Services and Supports for Individuals with Disabilities - created by the Executive Medicaid Management Administration (EMMA).
Olmstead Terms and Phrases to Know
These are some of the main terms and phrases to know in Olmstead advocacy and self-advocacy.
Oregon's Olmstead plan - created by the Oregon Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority to help people with disabilities.
Questions and Answers About HCBS Settings Rules
This document was written by the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) and a coalition of national disability and aging organizations. It provides answers to questions about the rules regarding HCBS settings that were released in January 2014.
Social Security Disability Benefits Guide
This guide will explain how Social Security disability benefits work while helping you determine whether your disability, illness, or chronic condition is enough to qualify. The guide walks you through each step of the process, and tells you what to expect during each stage of your Social Security disability application. The disability benefits calculator will help you get an estimate of how much you might collect from Social Security disability or SSI if your case is approved.
2012 Revised Texas Promoting Independence Plan - published by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to help people with disabilities.
Virginia's Olmstead Strategic Plan - created by the Community Integration Advisory Commission to help people with disabilities.