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Folder: Main Menu > State Olmstead Planning Documents

Strategic plans for providing community-based care to individuals with disabilities that were drafted by several states to comply with the Olmstead Decision.


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  • Alabama

    Gateway to Community Living - the Alabama Medicaid Agency (AMA) served as the lead state agency in developing the plan to help people with disabilities.
  • Colorado

    Colorado's Community Living Plan - created to help people with disabilities through a collaboration of the Department of Health Care Policy and the Department of Financing, Human Services and Local Affairs.
  • Georgia

    Georgia's Olmstead plan - drafted by the Olmstead Planning Committee to help people with disabilities.
  • Maine

    Olmstead Roadmap for Change - published to help people with disabilities by the Office of Aging and Disability Services of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Minnesota

    Putting the Promise of Olmstead into Practice - created by the Olmstead Subcabinet and multiple state agencies to help people with disabilities.
  • New York

    Report and Recommendations of the Olmstead Cabinet - developed by the Olmstead Development and Implementation Cabinet to help people with disabilities.
  • Ohio

    Balancing and Beyond: A Vision for Community Services and Supports for Individuals with Disabilities - created by the Executive Medicaid Management Administration (EMMA).
  • Oregon

    Oregon's Olmstead plan - created by the Oregon Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority to help people with disabilities.
  • Texas

    2012 Revised Texas Promoting Independence Plan - published by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to help people with disabilities.
  • Virginia

    Virginia's Olmstead Strategic Plan - created by the Community Integration Advisory Commission to help people with disabilities.